Publications and Events

Our partner Eno Muja shares his thoughts on career choices, challenges and lessons learned

Our partner Eno Muja shared his thoughts today on his professional career choices, the challenges, as also the lessons learned along the way, at the next stop of the "Career Drop" meetings.

Such event was held at the American Corner in Tirana, Albania and was organized by the New Vision Organisation with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Tirana.

We at Muja Law strongly believe in our mission to spreading good values and if we can do that especially in the new generation, then we can truly foster the future that we would all love to see.

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+355 69 28 28 562 [email protected]
Rr. “Ibrahim Tukiqi”, Nr.2, 1057, Tirana, Albania Lunedì - Venerdì: 9:00 a 18:00

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